Faculty Senate
Welcome to Frostburg State University's Faculty Senate web site.
The Faculty Senate at Frostburg State University, along with its committees and subcommittees, is the primary body of faculty shared governance at FSU. The senate is comprised of 27 elected and 6 ex officio members and guided by a steering committee that includes the officers and the chairs of the major committees. Please visit our Membership page for more information.
Below, you will find information about the role, responsibilities, and procedures of the Faculty Senate. For more information, please review the Faculty Senate charter (PDF).
Role and Responsibilities of the Faculty Senate
The laws of the State of Maryland and the policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Maryland vest the governing authority for Frostburg State University in its President.
The President holds full responsibility for the conduct of the University functions.
Accordingly, all policies, recommendations, and resolutions adopted by the Faculty Senate will be submitted to the President for appropriate action.
Subject to the limitations above, the Faculty Senate will be the principal decision-making body of the University for all matters relating to academic programs and policies at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
The Faculty Senate functions will include formulating and recommending policies and adopting resolutions concerning:
- Academic programs and curriculum;
- Standards for admission and retention of students;
- Requirements for the granting of academic degrees;
- University planning and budgets;
- Faculty appointment retention, tenure/permanent status, promotion, retrenchment, and dismissal;
- The facilitation of faculty development and research;
- Faculty conduct and discipline;
- Academic freedom;
- Faculty benefits, including salaries, insurance, and retirement;
- Academic organization; and
- Other aspects of institutional activity, which may affect the educational atmosphere of the University.
Regular meetings of the Faculty Senate will occur once each month during the academic year. All regular meetings of the Faculty Senate are open to any member of the University Community. Individuals who wish to make a statement concerning issues on the agenda must notify the Chair at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. This advanced notice provision may be waived at the discretion of the Chair or by majority vote of the Faculty Senate.
Meetings are at 4:00 PM on the first Wednesday of each month. Septmeber-December and Februrary-May. The meeting schedule for the 2023-2024 academic year is as follows.
- September 6, 2023, 4:00 PM (LUC Atkinson Room)
- October 4, 2023, 4:00 PM (Compton 327)
- November 1, 2023, 4:00 PM (LUC Atkinson Room)
- December 6, 2023, 4:00 PM (Gira 397)
- February 7, 2024, 4:00 PM (LUC Atkinson Room)
- March 6, 2024, 4:00 PM (LUC Atkinson Room)
- April 3, 2024, 4:00 PM (LUC Atkinson Room)
- May 1, 2024, 4:00 PM (Gira 397)
For the 2023-2024 academic year, meetings will be held in a hybrid fashion. Faculty senators are strongly encouraged to attend in person. All members of the FSU community are welcome to attend Faculty Senate meetings.
The normal route for substantive action is for an item to be considered by a Committee of the Faculty Senate prior to action being taken in the Faculty Senate. Direct Senate consideration of an item not reported by a Committee requires two-thirds of those present and voting to set aside normal procedure. Please visit the Committees and Subcommittees page to learn more about the charges of each committee and the typical process for different types of proposals.
Members of the FSU community may view reports, agendas, minutes, and supporting documentation for the current academic year at the Faculty Senate SharePoint site (valid FSU login required). Summaries of agenda items are published in the Faculty Senate Newsletter. The Newsletter also includes reports from the Committees and the minutes of the previous Faculty Senate meeting.
The Faculty Senate will accept input from any member of the University community on matters under its consideration. Input may be in writing and/or in open meetings consistent with the provisions above.
Actions of the Faculty Senate are subject to review and recall by the University Faculty under the provisions of the University Faculty Charter.
Actions of the Faculty Senate will be submitted to the President of the University for review and appropriate action. The President will respond in writing to the Chair of the Faculty within thirty calendar days of the date of the report of Faculty Senate actions.
The Faculty Senate may call upon the President of the University or other appropriate administrative officers to report to the Senate on the status of implementation of Senate recommendations.